IAMCR is the preeminent worldwide professional organisation in the field of media and communication research. Learn more

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IAMCR 2024

Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening

30 June to 4 July in Christchurch, New Zealand

Many Voices, One Forum - cover


Many Voices, One Forum:
Reflections on the International Association for Media and
Communication Research


Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research Series.

Offers definitive, state-of-the-art
handbooks that bring a global
perspective to their subjects.


Palgrave/IAMCR Book Series.

Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research

IAMCR is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Urban Communication Award: Hongyu Zhu and Zizhong Zhang from Tsinghua University and Yanchun Chen and Wenqiang Han from Communication University of China. The award will be formally presented at a special session during the main IAMCR 2024 conference in Christchurch.
The Communication, Social justice and Democracy (CSD) Working Group would like to invite all IAMCR members to our first (online) meeting to be held 11 June, where we will introduce CSD to the academic community and share ideas about how this new working group can best support the work of its members.
IAMCR members are cordially invited to attend the Association's General Assembly which will take place on 4 July 2024 at 15:45, at the Te Pae Convention Centre, Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand.

The voting period for the Sections and Working Groups heads election has ended. We would like to thank all of the candidates who expressed their willingness to serve as a section or working group officer and also to all who voted. See the results here.

The elections for IAMCR Executive Board (EB) and International Council (IC) are over. Daya Thussu was elected president and will be joined on the Executive Board by 2 vice-presidents, Karen Arriaza Ibarra and Andrea Medrado, alongside Jeremy Shtern as Secretary General and Skye Doherty as Treasurer. Congratulations to the new EB and IC members, and thanks to all participants and candidates.

The Gender and Communication Section has issued its April newsletter with updates on the upcoming Christchurch conference, highlights of the recent International Women's Day 2024 webinar, and calls for papers and publications that might be of interest to its members. Read it here.

IAMCR books

Edited by Minna Aslama Horowitz, Hannu Nieminen, Katja Lehtisaari and Alessandro D'Arma, Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption is the 21st title in the Palgrave/IAMCR book series Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research.

Edited by Margaret Gallagher and Aimee Vega Montiel (2023)

This book engages contemporary debates on women’s rights, democracy, and neoliberalism through the lens of feminist communication scholarship.

Members' books

This distinctive publication, edited by Joan Pedro-Carañana, Rodrigo Gómez, Thomas F. Corrigan, and Francisco Sierra Caballer, is the first dedicated solely to research methods in political economy of media and communication. It offers a toolkit for analyzing media, technology, and cultural industries in various contexts.

Edited by Tim Dwyer and Derek Wilding, this book explores media pluralism policies for online news and the impact of innovative practices on public opinion in the social media era. The authors advocate for media policy updates to address platform and media concentration risks, prioritizing news diversity, sustainability, and quality.

Edited by Monique Lewis, Eliza Govender, and Kate Holland, "Communicating COVID-19: Media, Trust, and Public Engagement" brings together different scholars from around the world to explore and critique the ongoing advances of communicating COVID.

By Sílvio Henrique Vieira Barbosa and Luiz Henrique de Castro Pereira, "Press and Censorship in Brazil" explores the state of journalism in Brazil and the various forms of censorship it faces.